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Available races

Send your data to the race organizer directly on rallyenter.it, create an account or just login.

10° Rally Valli della Carnia

International Rally Cup - coeff. 1.5 - Ampezzo

ACI applications period

From 27/08/2024 to 18/09/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website

Data applications will be closed in

days ::

Send to the race organizer all the needed data

43° Trofeo Villa d'Este

Coppa Rally di Zona 2.0 / TIR 1.5 - Como

ACI applications period

From 13/09/2024 to 02/10/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website

Data applications will be closed in

days ::

Send to the race organizer all the needed data

2° TrentinoRally

Rally Nazionale / CRZ - Mori (TN)

ACI applications period

From 19/09/2024 to 09/10/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website

Data applications opens in

days ::

47° Rally 1000 Miglia

Campionato Italiano Assoluto Rally - Brescia

ACI applications period

From 10/08/2024 to 05/09/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website


3° Rally del Veneto storico

Rally storico - Verona

ACI applications period

From 14/08/2024 to 09/09/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website


3° Rally di Regolarità del Veneto

Media 50 / Media 60 - Verona

ACI applications period

From 14/08/2024 to 09/09/2024

Italian teams must apply through the official ACI Sport website


Available on rallyenter.it