Accreditation request

27-28 Settembre 2024

10° Rally Valli della Carnia

International Rally Cup - coeff. 1.5

You can request a press pass for this race filling this form. The race organizer will directly receive your request and will answer you with the confirm.


Personal Data

Agency / Company / Team


Maximum upload size: 8.00 MB

Professional insurance

Policy Document

Maximum upload size: 8.00 MB
*Il documento caricato deve contenere evidenza della data di sottoscrizione e scadenza della polizza indicata.


According to the General Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016 (GDPR) I authorize the race organization team, Carnia Pistons a.s.d., and the applying service manager,, to collect and treat the above entered data. The data collected could be used to publish a list to let people aware of the current amount of applications received and confirmed, this could be done by the race organization team or the applying service manager.

Check all the red highlighted fields and then try again